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Monday, July 8, 2024

All India Judicial Service (AIJS): A Comprehensive Overview

All India Judicial Service (AIJS): Key Aspects


  • AIJS is a proposed centralized recruitment system for judges at the additional district and district levels across all Indian states.


  • Aims to centralize the recruitment of judges, similar to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) model, assigning successful candidates to states.


  • Originated from Law Commission reports in 1958 and 1978, addressing issues like varying pay, faster vacancy filling, and standardized nationwide training.
  • Revisited in 2006 by the Parliamentary Standing Committee, supporting a pan-Indian judicial service.
  • Proposed in the ‘Strategy for New India @ 75’ by NITI Aayog.

Constitutional Basis:

  • Article 312 of the Constitution provides for the establishment of AIJS, similar to central civil services, upon a resolution by the Rajya Sabha supported by at least two-thirds of its members.
  • Article 312 (2) states that AIJS cannot include any post inferior to that of a district judge, as defined in Article 236.

Current System of District Judges’ Recruitment:

  • Involves Articles 233 and 234, granting states authority over the appointment of district judges.
  • Managed through State Public Service Commissions and High Courts.
  • Candidates are interviewed by panels of High Court judges after exams.

Feasibility of AIJS Implementation:


  1. Uniform Standards:
    • Establishes uniform standards for the recruitment of judicial officers across states, ensuring a consistent and merit-based selection process.
  2. Addressing Judges to Population Ratio and Filling Vacancies:
    • Aims to fill vacancies in lower courts, addressing the current issue of around 5,400 vacant positions and a pendency of 2.78 crore cases.
  3. Enhanced Accountability:
    • Centralized service could lead to greater accountability in performance evaluation, training, and disciplinary actions.
  4. Attracting Talent Pool:
    • Facilitates attracting the best legal talent from across the country through a rigorous examination-based system.
  5. Increase Diversity:
    • Enhances the representation and diversity of judges, reflecting the social composition of the country.
  6. Prevents Parochialism and Political Interference:
    • Prevents parochialism and political interference in appointments, ensuring an All India character.
  7. Bottoms-Up Approach:
    • Adopts a bottom-up approach in recruitment to tackle corruption and nepotism in the lower judiciary, enhancing justice dispensation.


  1. Diversity of Laws:
    • Concerns about homogenizing the judiciary and neglecting nuanced understanding of local laws and customs.
  2. Violates Basic Structure Doctrine:
    • Requires significant constitutional amendments, potentially violating the basic structure doctrine and upsetting judicial federalism.
  3. Language Barrier:
    • Apprehensions about handling cases in local languages, posing a challenge for judges from different regions.
  4. Administrative Challenges:
    • Involves significant administrative challenges, including coordination, infrastructure, and adapting to regional variations.
  5. Political Opposition:
    • May face political opposition as recruitment to subordinate judiciary is a prerogative of the State under Article 233.
  6. Reservations:
    • Ensuring reservations for locally domiciled citizens poses legal and utility challenges.

The Way Forward:

  1. Ensuring High Standards:
    • The AIJS examination aims to uphold high standards in the judiciary, aligning with recruitment processes of other civil services.
  2. Addressing Vacancy Causes:
    • Investigate and understand underlying reasons for high vacancies, especially in underperforming states.
  3. Overcoming Administrative and Judicial Hurdles:
    • AIJS faces resistance and must be designed to address shortcomings, garnering support from all stakeholders.
  4. Urgency in Recruitment:
    • Prompt recruitment through AIJS is essential to address the judiciary’s vacancy crisis.
  5. Ensuring Meritocracy:
    • Comprehensive training for Judicial Service officers is vital for a meritocratic judiciary.


As of 2023, no consensus on AIJS exists due to diverging opinions. A balanced approach considering pros and cons, with judicious structure, can make AIJS viable. Key is the Centre-State consensus before transforming from idea to reality after almost fifty years of debate.

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