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Indian History Timeline : Ancient to Modern History Chronology

Indian History Timeline: The three periods of Indian history are ancient, medieval, and modern. Indian history is organized across thousands of years, from prehistoric to modern times. Indian history is shaped by a range of events, rulers, and societal developments that occur during each time.

Indian History Category
Three periods may be identified in the sequence of Indian history:

  1. Ancient India
  2. Medieval India
  3. Modern India
Indian History Timeline

Indian History Timeline

Timeline Event
9000 BCEEarly Neolithic Period
7000 to 3300 BCEMehrgarh Culture
3000 to 1500 BCE 3000 โ€“ 2600 BCE2600 โ€“ 1700 BCE1700 โ€“ 1500 BCEIndus Valley Civilization, Early Harappan Phase, Mature Harappan Phase, Late Harappan Phase
1400 BCEComplete disappearance of Harappan towns
1500 to 1000 BCEEarly Vedic age, also known as the Rigveda age
1000 BCEIron age of India
1000 to 500 BCELater Vedic Age
600 BCEEmergence of 16 Mahajanapadas
563 BCEBirth of Gautama Buddha (Founder of Buddhism)
540 BCEBirth of Vardhamana Mahavira (Founder of Jainism)
516 BCEPenetration of Iranian ruler, Darius into Northwest India
326 BCEInvasion of India by Alexander of Macedonia (Battle of Hydaspes)
322 BCEEstablishment of the Mauryan dynasty
273 to 232 BCEReign of Ashoka
265 BCEBeginning of Kalinga war
261 BCEEnd of the Kalinga war
250 BCEThe Third Buddist Council was held
200 BCEBeginning of Central Asian contacts and invasion of Bactrian Greeks
184 BCEThe decline of the Mauryan Empire
100 BCEEstablishment of Satavahana Dynasty in Deccan
78 BCEShaka era was started by the Kushan ruler, Kanishka
57 BCEBeginning of the Vikram era
Common Era
78 CEGautamiputra Satakarni becomes Satavahana ruler
240 CEEstablishment of the Gupta Empire by Sri Gupta
319 CEBeginning of the Gupta era by Chandragupta I
319 to 334 CEReign of Chandragupta I
335 to 380 CEReign of Samudragupta
380 to 412 CEReign of Chandragupta II
450 CEHunas invasion and end of Gupta Empire
606 to 647 CEPeriod of King Harshavardhana
973 to 1190 CEReign of Chalukyas of Kalyani
753 CEEstablishment of the Rashtrakuta dynasty by Danti Durga
760 to 1142 CEReign of Palas in Eastern India
788 CEBirth of Adi Sankaracharya
985 to 1014 CEReign of Rajaraja Chola
1014 to 1044 CEReign of Rajendra Chola
1000 to 1027 CEInvasion of India by Mahmud of Ghazni
1191 CEFirst Battle of Tarain (Mohammad Ghori defeated by Prithviraj III)
1192 CESecond Battle of Tarain (Prithviraj III defeated by Mohammad Ghori)
1192 to 1206 CEGanga-Jamuna doab and its surrounding was under Turkish rule
1206 CEEstablishment of the Delhi Sultanate by Qutbuddin Aibak
1210 CEDeath of Qutbuddin Aibak
1210 to 1236 CEReign of Iltutmish
1236 to 1240 CEReign of Raziya
1265 to 1287 CEReign of Balban
1290 CEEstablishment of the Khalji dynasty by Jalaluddin Khalji
1290 to 1296 CEReign of Jalaluddin Khalji
1296 to 1316 CEReign of Alauddin Khalji
1320 CEEstablishment of the Tughlaq dynasty by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
1320 to 1325 CEReign of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
1325 to 1351 CEReign of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
1327 CETransfer of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad (by Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq)
1333 CEArrival of Ibn Batuta to India
1351 to 1388 CEReign of Firuz Tughlaq
1394 to 1412 CEReign of Nasiruddin Mahmud
1398 CEInvasion of Delhi by Timur
1412 CEThe Reign of the Tughlaq dynasty came to an end
1414 to 1451 CEReign of the Sayyid dynasty
1451 CEEstablishment of the Lodi dynasty
1451 to 1489 CEReign of Bahlul Lodhi
1489 to 1517 CEReign of Sikandar Lodhi
1517 to 1526 CEReign of Ibrahim Lodhi
1526 CEFirst Battle of Panipat
1336 CEEstablishment of the Vijayanagara Empire by Harihara and Bukka
1377 to 1404Reign of Harihara II
1404 to 1422 CEReign of Deva Raya I
1425 to 1446 CEReign of Deva Raya II
1509 CETuluva dynasty was founded by Krishna Deva Raya
1509 to 1530 CEReign of Krishnadeva Raya
1565 CEBattle of Talikota or Battle of Rakshasa-Tangadi. Marked the decline of the Vijayanagara empire
1346 CEEstablishment of Bahmani Kingdom
1327 to 1358 CEReign of Ala-ud-din Hasan Bahman Shah
1397 to 1422 CEReign of Firuz Shah Bahmani
1419 CEDefeat of Firuz Shah Bahmani by Deva Raya I
1498 CEArrival of Vasco da Gama at Calicut
1510 CEThe Portuguese Governor, Alfonso Albuquerque captured Goa from the ruler of Bijapur.
1526 CEFirst Battle of Panipat (Defeat of Ibrahim Lodi by Babur)
1526 CEEstablishment of the Mughal Empire by Babur
1527 CEBattle of Khanwa
1530 CEAccession of Humayun to the throne
1539 CEDefeat of Humayun by Sher Khan at Chausa
1540 CEBattle of Kanauj between Sher Khan and Mughals
1540 CEEstablishment of Sur Empire by Sher Shah
1555 CEHumayun recaptured the throne by defeating Sikandur Suri in the Battle of Sirhind.
1556 CEAccession of Akbar to the throne
1556 CESecond Battle of Panipat
1556 โ€“ 1605 CEReign of Akbar
1564 CEAbolition of the Jizyah system by Akbar
1565 CEBattle of Talikota and end of Vijayanagar empire
1575 CEIbadat Khana (Hall of Prayer) was constructed in Fatehpur Sikri
1576 CEBattle of Haldighati (Defeat of Maharana Pratap by Akbar)
1581 CEPromulgation of Din-i-Ilahi by Akbar
1605 to 1627 CEReign of Jahangir
1628 to 1658 CEReign of Shah Jahan
1658 to 1707 CECoronation of Aurangzeb
1679 CEJizyah system was reintroduced by Aurangzeb
1707 CEDeath of Aurangzeb
1709 to 1712 CEReign of Bahadur Shah I
1712 to 1713 CEReign of Jahandar Shah
1713 to 1719 CEReign of Farrukhsiyar
1719 to 1748 CEReign of Muhammad Shah
1738 to 1739 CEPersian emperor, Nadir Shah invaded India
1739 CEBattle of Karnal (Mughals were defeated by Nadir Shah)
1740 to 1748 CEFirst Carnatic War
1748 to 1754 CEReign of Ahmad Shah
1754 to 1758 CEReign of Alamgir II
1757 CEBattle of Plassey
1758 to 1759 CEReign of Shahjehan II
1759 to 1806 CEReign of Shah Alam II
1760 CEBattle of Wandiwash
1761 CEThird Battle of Panipat
1764 CEBattle of Buxar
1765 CEDiwani rights of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa were granted to the British East India Company by Shah Alam II
1765 to 1772 CEDual Government in Bengal
1767 to 1769 CEFirst Anglo-Mysore war
1770 CEGreat Bengal Famine
1772 CEWarren Hastings was appointed as Governor of Bengal
1772 CEAbolition of dual government in Bengal
1773 CEThe Regulating Act of 1773 was passed
1775 to 1782 CEFirst Anglo-Maratha war
1776 CETreaty of Purandhar
1780 to 1784 CESecond Anglo-Mysore war
1782 CETreaty of Salbai
1784 CEPittโ€™s India Act was passed
1786 to 1793 CELord Cornwallis served as the Governor-General
1790 to 1792 CEThird Anglo-Mysore War and Treaty of Srirangapatnam (1792)
1793 CEThe Charter Act of 1793 was passed
1793 to 1798 CESir John Shore served as the Governor-General
1798 CELord Wellesley was appointed as Governor-General
1798 CEIntroduction of Subsidiary Alliance 
1799 CEFourth Anglo-Mysore war
1802 CETreaty of Bassein
1803 to 1805 CESecond Anglo-Maratha war
1806 to 1837 CEReign of Akbar II
1807 to 1813 CELord Minto served as the Governor-General
1813 CEThe Charter Act of 1813 was passed
1813 to 1823 CELord Warren Hastings served as the Governor-General
1817 to 1819 CEThird Anglo-Maratha war
1823 to 1828 CELord Amherst served as the Governor-General
1828 CEBrahmo Sabha was founded by Raja Rammohan Roy
1828 to 1835 CELord William Bentinck served as the Governor-General
1833 CEThe Charter Act of 1833 was passed
1836 to 1842 CELord Auckland served as the Governor-General
1837 to 1857 CEReign of Bahadur Shah II and the end of the Mughal empire
1842 to 1844 CELord Ellenborough served as the Governor-General
1844 to 1848 CELord Hardinge served as the Governor-General
1845 to 1846 CEFirst Anglo-Sikh War
1848 to 1849 CESecond Anglo-Sikh War
1848 to 1856 CELord Dalhousie served as the Governor-General
1853 CEThe Charter Act of 1853 was passed
1854 CECharles Woodโ€™s despatch on Education
1856 to 1858 CELord Canning served as the Governor-General
1857 CERevolt of 1857
1858 CELord Canning was appointed as the Viceroy
1861 CEIndian Council Act of 1861 was passed
1861 CEIndian Civil Service Act of 1861 was passed
1862 to 1863 CELord Elgin served as Viceroy
1864 to 1869 CESir John Lawrence served as Viceroy
1866 CEEast India Association was formed by Dadabhai Naoroji
1867 CEPoona Sarvajanik Sabha was founded by M.G.Ranade
1869 to 1872 CELord Mayo served as Viceroy
1875 CEArya Samaj founded by Swami Dayananda
1876 CEIndian National Association was formed by Surendranath Banerjea and Ananda Mohan Bose
1878 CEThe Vernacular Press Act was passed
1880 to 1884 CELord Ripon served as Viceroy
1883 to 1884 CEIlbert Bill Controversy
1884 to 1888 CELord Dufferin served as Viceroy
1885 CEThe first session of the Indian National Congress
1888 to 1893 CELord Lansdowne served as Viceroy
1892 CEIndian Councils Act of 1892 was passed
1893 to 1899 CELord Elgin II served as Viceroy
1899 to 1905 CELord Curzon served as Viceroy
1905 CEPartition of Bengal
1905 to 1910 CELord Minto II served as Viceroy
1906 CESwaraj was declared the goal of the Congress by Dadabhai Naoroji
1906 CEFormation of the Muslim League
1907 CESurat Split of the Congress
1907 CESeditious meeting act was passed
1908 CEIndian Newspapers Act was passed
1909 CEMorley-Minto Reforms
1909 CEIndian Councils Act of 1909 was passed
1910 CEIndian Press Act was passed
1910 to 1916 CELord Hardinge II served as Viceroy
1911 CEAnnulment of Bengal Partition of 1905
1914 to 1919 CEFirst World War
1914 CEThe arrival of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in India
1916 to 1921 CELord Chelmsford served as Viceroy
1916 CEHome Rule League was set up by Tilak and Annie Besant
1916 CELucknow pact between Congress and Muslim League
1916 CEReadmission of Extremists into Congress at Lucknow session of Congress
1917 CEAugust declaration was made by Edwin Samuel Montagu
1917 CEChamparan Satyagraha
1918 CEAhmedabad Mill Strike
1918 CEKheda Satyagraha
1919 CEMontagu-Chelmsford Reform was introduced
1919 CEGovernment of India Act of 1919 was passed
1919 CERowlatt Act was passed
1919 CEJallianwala Bagh Massacre
1920 CEKhilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement
1920 to 1930 CESeveral revolutionary movements took place
1921 to 1926 CELord Reading served as Viceroy
1922 CEChauri Chaura incident
1926 to 1931 CELord Irwin served as Viceroy
1927 CEAll India Womenโ€™s Conference was founded by Margaret Cousins
1927 CEAppointment of Simon Commission
1928 CENehru Report was put forth
1929 CEJinnahโ€™s Fourteen points were proposed
1930 CEGandhijiโ€™s Dandi March and Civil Disobedience Movement
1930 to 1931 CEFirst-round Table Conference
1931 CESecond Round Table Conference
1931 CEGandhi-Irwin Pact
1931 to 1936 CELord Wellingdon served as Viceroy
1932 CEThird Round Table Conference
1932 CEAnnouncement of communal award
1932 CEPoona Pact was signed
1935 CEGovernment of India Act of 1935 was passed
1936 to 1944 CELord Linlithgow served as Viceroy
1939 to 1945 CESecond World War
1940 CEAugust Offer was announced
1942 CECripps Mission headed by Sir Stafford Cripps was sent to India
1943 CEThe Bengal Famine
1944 to 1947 CELord Wavell served as Viceroy
1945 CEWavell Plan
1946 CECabinet Mission was sent to India
1947 CEMountbatten Plan was announced
1947 CEIndian Independence Act was passed
1947 CEPartition of India into India and Pakistan
1948 CEAssasination of Gandhi
1949 CEThe Constitution of India was adopted
1950 CEThe Constitution of India came into force

For more : Ahmedabad Mill Strike: First Hunger Strike,1918

Champaran Satyagraha,1917

Ancient Indian Chronology

Prehistoric Times:

  1. Paleolithic Era (between 2 million and 10,000 BC):

characterized by the use of stone tools, the finding of fire, and important locations such as the Narmada Valley, Bhimbetka, and Hunsgi.

  1. The Mesolithic Period (between 10,000 and 8,000 BC):

major climate changes, animal domestication, and the introduction of microliths.

  1. Neolithic Period (8000โ€“2000 BC): Hallur and Burzahom are important sites, agriculture begins, and the wheel is developed.
  2. Chalcolithic Period (4000โ€“1500 BC): Often referred to as the Bronze Age’s Copper Age.
  3. Iron Age (1500โ€“200 BC): Denotes the beginning of the Vedic Period and the advent of the Aryans.

Vedic Period

During the Early Vedic Period (1500 BCโ€“1000 BC)

Aryans arrived and settled in the northwest.
The earliest of the Vedas, the Rig Veda, is written.

  • Early Vedic religion and culture developed.
  • The Indo-Gangetic Plain saw the spread of Aryan culture during the Later Vedic Period (1000โ€“500 BC).
  • Yajur, Sama, and Atharva, the other three Vedas’ composition.
  • the development of the caste system and the advent of Brahmanism.

During the Mahajanapadas Period (600-300 BC)

  • 16 significant states, or Mahajanapadas, were formed. Trade and metropolitan hubs are growing. formation of the first republics and political bodies.

The rise of Jainism and Buddhism (about the sixth century BC): 

  • Gautama Buddha’s introduction of Buddhism.
  • Mahavira’s The Rise of Jainism.
  • challenge to the religion of the Vedas.

Greek and Persian invasions (c. 550โ€“300 BC):

  • Achaemenid Empire administration and culture were influenced by Persians.
  • The invasion of Alexander the Great, which has a long-lasting effect on the terrain of culture

Mauryan Empire (321โ€“185 BC):

  • A vast empire is founded by Chandragupta Maurya during the Mauryan Empire (321โ€“185 BC).
  • The kingdom reached its zenith under Ashoka’s rule, who is credited with promoting Buddhism.

Post-Mauryan Kingdoms:

  • the Satavahana dynasty, Kanva, and Sunda (after 185 BC).
  • In the absence of a centralized government, regional powers emerge.

The Gupta Empire, which ruled from around 320 to 550 AD

  • The Gupta Empire, which ruled from around 320 to 550 AD, is sometimes called India’s Golden Age.
  • notable advances in literature, science, and the arts.
  • creation of a powerful national government and thriving commerce.

Post-Gupta Period (550 AD onward):

  •  Regional kingdoms rose to prominence as the empire fragmented.
  • commerceย andย culturalย stabilityย inย theย faceย ofย politicalย change.

For more : Evolution of Judiciary During British Times

Indian Renaissance Short Notes

Medieval Indian Chronology (AD 700โ€“AD 1857)

In medieval India, the years 8th to the 18th centuries are included in the chronology. Several strong empires rose and fell throughout this time.

Early Medieval Period (AD 700โ€“AD 1200)

Tripartite struggle (AD 800-1200):

  • A fight for dominance between the Pratiharas, Palas, and Rashtrakutas over the Gangetic plains.
  • important in influencing the political climate in North India.

Rise of Regional Kingdoms: 

  • In the South, strong regional dynasties such as the Pallavas, Chalukyas, and Cholas emerged.
  • These kingdoms left a significant mark on Indian literature, architecture, and culture.

High Medieval Period (AD 1200โ€“AD 1526)

Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate (1206 ADโ€“1526 AD):

  • The entrance of the Turks and the establishment of Muslim power in North India marked the beginning of the Delhi Sultanate (1206 ADโ€“1526 AD).
  • These were the dynasties that came after each other: the Sayyid, Khilji, Tughlaq, Lodi, and Mamluk/Slave.
  • the growth and stabilization of Muslim dominance throughout the Indian subcontinent.

Attacks from Central Asia:ย 

  • The Delhi Sultanate briefly declined in 1398 as a result of Timur’s (Tamerlane’s) raids.
  • Establishing libraries and madrasas.
  • The Qutub Minar and the Red Fort are two examples of the growth of Indo-Islamic architecture.
  • commerce growth with Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
  • expansion of major cities like Lahore, Delhi, and Agra.

Late Medieval Period (AD 1526โ€“AD 1857)

Mughal Empire (AD 1526โ€“AD 1857):

  • Babur founded the Mughal Empire in 1526 following the First Battle of Panipat, which lasted until AD 1857.
  • Under Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb, it peaked.
  • renowned for its accomplishments in culture, military might, and administrative effectiveness.

Maratha Ascendancy:ย 

  • In the seventeenth century, Shivaji led the Maratha Empire to its peak.
  • developed to be a significant force in India, disruptive the Mughal and then the European powers.

European Colonization:ย 

  • Traders and colonists from Europe, particularly the Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British, arrived.
  • Colonial dominance resulted from the founding of commercial stations and associated political power.
  • The Mughal Empire gradually weakened, particularly after Aurangzeb.
  • emergence of regional powers like as the Rajputs, Sikhs, Jats, and Hyderabadi Nizams.
  • expansion of social and religious reform groups, like as Sikhism, under the leadership of Guru Nanak and his gurus.

Emergenceย ofย Independentย Kingdoms:ย 

  • Bengal,ย Awadh,ย andย Mysoreย areย examplesย ofย theย formationย ofย independentย andย semi-independentย kingdoms.
  • Theseย statesย wereย instrumentalย inย theย oppositionย againstย Britishย expansion.

India’s medieval history was characterized by a wide range of political, social, and cultural changes. It made a substantial contribution to the rich and varied legacy of the Indian subcontinent by laying the groundwork for the later colonial era and the contemporary era.

Modern Indian Chronology

Beginning in the middle of the 18th century, modern Indian history is characterized by significant events that finally brought to the fall of traditional kingdoms, the emergence of British colonialism, and the creation of a contemporary, independent nation.

A timeline of significant occurrences during this time period is shown below:

Colonial Era (Mid-18th Centuryโ€“1947)

Establishment of British Rule:

  • British rule was established in 1757 after the Battle of Plassey established British dominance in Bengal.
  • The Battle of Buxar in 1764 established British dominance in India.

British Expansion and Administration:

  • In India in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, British power was gradually extended.
  • introduction of legislative and administrative changes, including as the Civil Services, Ryotwari System, and Permanent Settlement.

Socio-Religious Reform Movements:

Early to mid-19th century: the rise of social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, as well as the formation of reform groups like Brahmo Samaj and Arya Samaj.

The Revolt of 1857:

  • the Sepoy Mutiny against British authority, also known as the First War of Indian Independence.
  • As a result, the East India Company’s dominance came to an end, and the British Crown took direct control of India.

Nationalist Movements and Congress Foundation:

  • 1885: The Indian National Congress was founded.
  • Home Rule and the Swadeshi Movement in the early 20th century.

Gandhian Era and Mass Movements:

  • Mahatma Gandhi’s return from South Africa in 1915 marked the start of the Gandhian period in the Indian liberation movement.
  • 1919: Rowlatt Act demonstrations; the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.
  • The Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920.
  • 1930: Salt Satyagraha; Civil Disobedience Movement.
  • Quit India Movement, 1942.

Partition and Independence:

  • 1947 marked the partition of India, its release from British domination, and the birth of Pakistan and India.
  • India’s first prime minister after independence was Jawaharlal Nehru.

Indian History Chronology โ€“ FAQs

Q1.What is the order of Indian history?

Ans. Indian history is arranged as follows: ancient, medieval, and modern.

Q2.What is the timeline of Indian history?

Ans. The following is an outline of Indian history:
From 2 million BC to 550 AD, ancient history
The Middle Ages: AD 700โ€“AD 1857
Modern History, Mid-1800sโ€“1947

Q3.What is the timeline of ancient Indian history?

Ans. Prehistoric periods are the beginning of the ancient Indian history chronology, which ends in 550 AD.
Prehistoric Times:
the Chalcolithic Period (4000 BCโ€“1500 BC), the Neolithic Period (8000 BCโ€“2000 BC), the Mesolithic Period (10,000 BCโ€“8,000 BC), and the Iron Age (1500 BCโ€“200 BC)
The Early Vedic Period, around 1500โ€“1000 BC
The Later Vedic Era (ca. 1000โ€“500 BC)
Period of the Mahajanapadas (600โ€“300 BC)
Rise of Buddhism and Jainism (ca. 6th century BC)
Empire of Mauryans (321โ€“185 BC)
Gupta Dynasty (c. 320โ€“550 AD)

Q4.What is the medieval history chronology in India?

Ans. There are three sub-periods that may be used to understand the chronology of medieval Indian history:
The Early Middle Ages (AD 700โ€“1200)
Conflict in Three Parts (AD 800-1200)
The High Middle Ages (AD 1200โ€“AD 1526)
The Delhi Sultanate was founded (1206 ADโ€“1526 AD).
The Late Middle Ages (AD 1526โ€“AD 1857)
Empire of Mughals (AD 1526โ€“AD 1857)

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